Thursday, September 10, 2009

I hate Fees

A couple weeks ago, my mother sent me to the store to get things for dinner. She gave me her debit card since we have been lowering the spending with credit cards and I was off. I bought some things at Trader Joes, but needed to go to Rite Aid and Vons as well. In total, I didn't spend over $35, but what was shocking was that when she checked her balance, she realized that her check had not yet cleared and soon we saw the overdraw charges rolling in. So, for 3 overdraw charges ($34 each transaction) I ended up spending 4 times the amount that I wanted to. I was shocked; no credit card even has fees that high and a debit card is supposed to be for the responsible ones. We are all suffering right now and many people are overdrawing which is why I felt so connected with this story:
I couldn't believe that banks were making $27 billion dollars off of the pain of all the tax payers that already used their money to bail them out. WTF?
No wonder many financial institutes reported glorious earnings. Whatever doesn't make a bank fail makes it stronger I guess...
My solution to all of this? Its actually very hard to find one. I thought debit cards were the solution for huge fees on college students, but I guess now the only thing to do is to sleep with money under my pillow to save myself the trouble. Or, check your ballance often and if you see you have under $100, do not use your card! borrow money from friends and make sure you return it, or don't spend at all. DO NOT GIVE BANKS YOUR MONEY IN ANNOYING FEES.

<3 Indignant red

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