My grandparents just got new wall paper. This is the link they used. Enjoy!
Also, I showed up on the East coast so worried about cold weather that I forgot all my t-shirts and shorts, skirts and summer dresses. Apparently, I forgot that a place with seasons also has summer. feeling stupid, but good excuse to go on shopping trips. I have made a severe dent in my allowance already, but se la vie. They say that college is the best years of your life and so I might as well have some fantastic years and pay for them with the sucky years. One thing I can say is that Orientation is never ending and its soooo hard to remember everyone's name. Don't be sad if someone forgets yours. I forget the names of people I really like all the time.
<3 Translucent silver
Sweetie, it's "C'est La Vie". Nice blog! Good luck at school.