JomaShop Fashion Week: Save 20% off of Fendi & Tods shoes, now thru Sep 17th Coupon code fashion09
Still kind of too expensive for me, but God do I love looking at designer things I can almost afford. I can also ask for these for presents, or if I save up enough get them as a present to myself. The only problem with that is then I wouldn't want to wear them because I had invested so much into them, but that's why its important for shoes to be of good quality I guess, because you can wear them every day if you want to without getting people weirded out like if you did that with your favorite jeans. Fendi is definitely one of those name brands that gets your shoes noticed though and they are very elegant, but yeah... still waiting for my checks to role in. I would like to tell you the sordid things I have been doing for money (no, not that!) but that is a much longer post and I will hold off on that until next time.
<3 Anticipation Jade
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