Tuesday, September 8, 2009

College begins for real

So far, what has been my opinion of college classes?
Its a lot more laid back than high school was since classes start later and even though they run longer, it is more interesting than tedious.
The lectures can be interesting. Lectures have a bad rep, but if you actually manage to listen you realize that the speaker may be a Genius!
There are way too many fliers in general. You'd think that these "green students" would want to save paper... but then why is there so much advertising & litter?
Its harder to meet friends in class. The teacher does most of the talking and you need to pay attention to every word.
The books are EXPENSIVE! if you are in a state of flux about your classes then it is also hard to look for the good deals.
No matter how much you packed, you always forget your school supplies.
I always want to sleep between classes.
<3 One step Black

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