I have been using bare minerals for a while now, but of course I have been using it more often recently since I am in college and want to go out more often and the nights are longer. The makeup is therefore more often on my face and I have realized that this makes my face a little sensitive and really makes me break out. Bare minerals is really amazing in how much it covers though and it looks really natural if you have the right shade. I did some research and found out that bare minerals has something called bismuth oxychloride. This could be propaganda or wild speculation, but some links said that this was an allergen to some people and I figured maybe this is what was irritating my skin. I haven't been wearing it for a day and a half now and my skin is definitely feeling better, but it hasn't completely healed yet. One thing that was recommended is Everyday minerals which apparently does not contain the same minerals. I went to their website and they sent me a free sample (I paid the $2.80 shipping fee, but not bad). It will arrive in a couple days so hopefully I will have an update then.
I love Blue bee and of course they are totally overpriced like most things I love, but occasionally they do have sales that make them come down from being outrageous to being slightly expensive. You can feel good though because you know that someone else paid more than double what you paid for the same thing. You are quite the bargain shopper eh? So these items went from over $100 to under:
And this is just really beautiful (it went from over 600 to 300)
It's certainly getting colder around here and I have been very jealous of one group in particular: the Northface group. I guess some people know how to prepare right for cold weather. Coming from California, I really had no need for a Northface jacket, but now that I do, I am kind of excited. They are pretty snazzy looking and more importantly, incredibly warm. The cold weather is great because I get to wear it all the time.
Mine's actually brown though.
The only kind of bad thing that I can tell about Northface is that they don't really have sales, but that can also be looked at in a positive light because that means that the cost of your clothing isn't based on the whims of the fashion season, but rather the quality of the make.
Coach is the middle class or modest version of the big designers like Fendi and Prada. It is a respectable, nice and sturdy brand and one of my personal favorites. Their purses are simple and the design makes sense. They are having a fall discount right now so that's where you really save the most of your money. Compared to that, 5% isn't a huge discount, but its more than nothing and all that stuff adds up. If you don't believe me, then you can take that 5% and save it up to make a small business loan to a 3rd world country via that program that Bill Clinton speaks for. http://www.kiva.org/ Likely, you will get that money back, and it will be at a time when you don't even remember it so it will seem like a great gift. I love that kind of money I don't even know I had (if you don't know you have it, you can't spend it)
I love sushi and its pretty good for you. Thus, I have been eating it quite a lot recently because there is a cafe where I can get it pretty cheap. In reality, if you can eat one roll for lunch, then costs about the same as a sandwhich. Its also a fun study food because I can easily eat it on my bed surrounded by my books. This post is really just an homage to Sushi, btws. Here is my top list of sushi:
1. Salmon roll. Salmon is one of the fattier fish, but that's why it tastes so amazing. Its still healthy and all and not as bad as some. Besides tuna, I would say its the most mainstream (no pun intended)
2. Unagi- Eel on rice is definitely a delectable treat. It does have a sauce that isn't that good for you since I think there's actually some sugar involved. This one's not a staple, but when I am ordering a couple things, this is definitely one of them.
3. Scallop Roll- Very good. Scallops are very healthy and very pricey, but the sauce that is sometimes served with them can't be healthy. (cuz it tastes tooo goood)
4. California Roll- when you want a little bit of everything, aren't feeling adventurous and are on a budget.
5. Yellow Tail, Tuna, Albacore- and the like.... These always blend together in my mind. Theoretically, I know which one is which, but while I am eating, I don't really discriminate. They are all good. (I think I am a little more particular to the Yellow Tail)
6. Spider Roll- this is last only because its the most expensive and kind of a cheating roll because it has soft shell crab and is much bigger. This one is to-die-for. If you have never had it, get on that!
Max Studio has some really expensive stuff, so like always if you want to have nice things, you shop in the off season. For some reason this includes pretty much every category-- including outerwear which I am beginning to learn is something you can never have enough of.
This dress went from $300 to $80:
This Jacket is now under $200:
This skirt is also a really great deal, but I am emphasizing how pretty I think it is:
This is one of those things that are a great deal if you are careful. This is legitimate- meaning that it actually is free as long as you follow the instructions for the mail rebate. Mail rebates are often annoying processes that require you to keep a lot of receipts etc. so if you are one of those people who never looks at the receipt and most certainly can't hold on to one, do not attempt to get a deal out of this offer. Only people who are diligent about receipts get something for free here and everyone else is footing the bill. That being said, as a starving student I can motivate my otherwise lazy butt if I know there is money in it for me. I recently got an empty email which I opened which is a big UHOH from anyone who knows anything about viruses. Thus, I am looking for some butt kicking virus software. That is how I found this. I did the rebate with my phone as well. The money takes some time to come back to you, but it is nice when you get money back that you thought you spent.
Everyday there is a new product. Make sure you check these deals on a lot of different websites because unlike things that are on clearance, these items are still in high demand and haven't been passed over several times. (not that I don't love clearance) With skin stores especially because products don't really go out of style as quickly as skirts since you don't need a patent for every skirt you design <3 Rosemary Verde
Still kind of too expensive for me, but God do I love looking at designer things I can almost afford. I can also ask for these for presents, or if I save up enough get them as a present to myself. The only problem with that is then I wouldn't want to wear them because I had invested so much into them, but that's why its important for shoes to be of good quality I guess, because you can wear them every day if you want to without getting people weirded out like if you did that with your favorite jeans. Fendi is definitely one of those name brands that gets your shoes noticed though and they are very elegant, but yeah... still waiting for my checks to role in. I would like to tell you the sordid things I have been doing for money (no, not that!) but that is a much longer post and I will hold off on that until next time.
I love the Gap and I love cords. There's not really much more to say. They are $15 off right now at the Gap website and to be honest the most important thing about cords is really how comfortable they are and how they fit. Some places use weird material, but the reason Gap is so great is because all their clothes are relatively simple and can be counted on to be comfy. When my brother and I were little, we were given a pair of Gap fuzzy lined jeans. They were incredibly warm anf comfortable. Unfortunately, my brother grew out of his before he stopped liking them so then he started wearing mine as hand me downs. When his legs got to warm for them and he had ruined the knees by sliding on the play ground he made my grandmother turn them into shorts. Those were some pants.
I know this isn't a favorite, but everyone needs underwear and its one of those things that I find kind of difficult to go shopping for. Plus, the only places that are known for their underwear are overpriced like Victoria Secret or don't really exist all over the place like fruit of the loom and Hanes. That's why online is often your best friend in this dept. Also, sizing isn't as difficult to do. This particular website has great underwear brands for a lot cheaper.
If you are in college, then you might miss your high school friends a little. My roommate recently had her best friend come visit her. It is fun to see new places and see your friends in their new environment. Be aware that some people might want to move away from their high school persona and therefore do not want you to bring up every embarrassing thing you did in high school though. I love Virgin airlines so I was really excited to fly with them to visit one of my good friends over our upcoming four day weekend. Here's the link:
Hey, I actually think Guitar Hero is really fun now. I used to make fun of it, but I guess sometimes you don't get something until you try it for yourself. It just didn't make sense to me why my brother, who gave up his real electric guitar after 3 months would love this game so much. Little did I know how important it is to have the illusion that you can actually play great songs the first time you do it. Maybe if real guitars played the music while you were learning they would be a little more fun.
All sorts of bags are here. From handbags to bookbags to diaperbags. everything. I'm tired right now otherwise I would be looking for better deals for you guys, but I went to Fashion's Night Out last night and really made a night out of it. Needless to say I slept past lunch today and now I am trying my best to wait for dinner instead of eating ally my dorm junk food. So yeah, but things that have been on my mind are bags and rainboots since I need both. I guess when I find a good place to get rainboots I will let you know. As for Fashion's NIght Out, I thought it sucked, but we got there pretty late (seriously though what kind of party ends at 11?) and the star highlight was some guy Christian Siriano whom I only recognized from SNL's making fun of him. No offense to Project runway lovers-- i think the show looks great. , but i was pretty bummed I didn't see anyone really famous. Even worse, all the free champagne and appetizers were gone as were the giftbags. so total bust. I would love to hear about other people's experiences though.
A couple weeks ago, my mother sent me to the store to get things for dinner. She gave me her debit card since we have been lowering the spending with credit cards and I was off. I bought some things at Trader Joes, but needed to go to Rite Aid and Vons as well. In total, I didn't spend over $35, but what was shocking was that when she checked her balance, she realized that her check had not yet cleared and soon we saw the overdraw charges rolling in. So, for 3 overdraw charges ($34 each transaction) I ended up spending 4 times the amount that I wanted to. I was shocked; no credit card even has fees that high and a debit card is supposed to be for the responsible ones. We are all suffering right now and many people are overdrawing which is why I felt so connected with this story: http://finance.yahoo.com/banking-budgeting/article/107691/overspending-on-debit-cards-is-a-boon-for-banks.html?mod=bb-checking_savings I couldn't believe that banks were making $27 billion dollars off of the pain of all the tax payers that already used their money to bail them out. WTF? No wonder many financial institutes reported glorious earnings. Whatever doesn't make a bank fail makes it stronger I guess... My solution to all of this? Its actually very hard to find one. I thought debit cards were the solution for huge fees on college students, but I guess now the only thing to do is to sleep with money under my pillow to save myself the trouble. Or, check your ballance often and if you see you have under $100, do not use your card! borrow money from friends and make sure you return it, or don't spend at all. DO NOT GIVE BANKS YOUR MONEY IN ANNOYING FEES.
For a limited time, JetBlue has sale fares for as little as $29 on travel. With your first checked bag free and comfy leather seats, free snacks, lots of legroom and 36 channels of free DIRECTV we are making flying way more enjoyable!
Travel dates are between 9/15 and 12/16. Blackout Dates: 11/24 - 11/30. Sale ends September 10, 11:59 PM MT
The sneaky thing is if you need to get home before december 16th for Christmas, otherwise these travel dates don't help too much I guess, but you could go for some weekend fun and go visit some old classmates, or Vegas ;)
Right now I am taking advantage of the trains, but these prices rival those so we will see.
So far, what has been my opinion of college classes? Its a lot more laid back than high school was since classes start later and even though they run longer, it is more interesting than tedious. The lectures can be interesting. Lectures have a bad rep, but if you actually manage to listen you realize that the speaker may be a Genius! There are way too many fliers in general. You'd think that these "green students" would want to save paper... but then why is there so much advertising & litter? Its harder to meet friends in class. The teacher does most of the talking and you need to pay attention to every word. The books are EXPENSIVE! if you are in a state of flux about your classes then it is also hard to look for the good deals. No matter how much you packed, you always forget your school supplies. I always want to sleep between classes. <3 One step Black
Now at college of course, my parents and friends don't want to lose touch. well duh- neither do I. So I have been looking for a webcam because I have skype, but its kind of like talking on a gigantic phone without the video aspect so.... Labor Day Sale, 2 Days Only, Online Only, Sunday – Monday. Valid 9/6-9/7
Yay for labor day! This is the first labor day that I actually don't have school in several years because private schools think they are too good for all that stuff. So yeah, hooray for skype and long distance relationships. I just hope my roommate doesn't mind or that my mom doesn't use any embarrassing nicknames when she is in the room... maybe i will just do it when i am alone.
Mika is going to play in NYC. I love him and am looking for cheap tickets. Checking everything www.PurchaseTix.com even craigslist has some interesting stuff and occasionally has tickets up for grabs. I am a big fan of the spontaneous so I am always looking for random tickets to random shows there. Right now, of course, my search is a little more specific.
<3 I could be brown I could be blue I could be Violet Sky
Found a fridge at See this week's sale events and free shipping offers at BestBuy.com. YAY. I can't believe how expensive they have gotten. You can hardly find a fridge anywhere for under $100 and we have realized that its pretty necessary because our dining hall has weird hours and we have been losing weight right and left. You think it sounds great, but I actually don't like not eating thank you very much.
On a side note. Today, I went to New York City, which is close to my college hint hint. A few friends of mine and I decided to check out the MOMA and I fell in love with a painting that I will post later because my camera right now is not working. From there, they went to the flea market and I proceeded to walk a little more than o 20 blocks down to the mall because I had some things to return. One store I needed to get my money back from was Aeropostale. I really didn't like their jeans and opted instead for a darker H&M pair. Aeropostale was miserable. I had to wait in line for over 30 minutes. no joke! it sucked. There were so many people in their grabbing and standing and shouting. I never was in one before and I am never going back. I also went to the GAP, which I love because they have comfy clothes, and bought some shirts and a skirt. My favorite part of the day was the walk. There were so many things to see and feel and hear. The smelling part was both good and bad because sometimes there were trash bags on the streets and sometimes the smell of candied almonds wafted from street vendors. I always enjoy walking by myself because I really enjoy it more and I can do everything on my will. I don't really enjoy eating by myself though so I had to take the subway back and find my friends. Yeah, so that's it.