I saw this the other day-
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I thought to myself... I am gen Y and trying to adapt to the fast paced world while at the same time trying to find a job that I know I can do for 40 years without becoming obsolete. So, I did some brainstorming.
1. How is the way we seek help changing?
answer: we type in our query instead of complaining in an office. we get immediate response, but we forfeit the face to face time and the trust.
2. What does it cost us?
answer: less in time and money, but again, there is only so much a computer and website can do...
3. Is this good or bad?
answer: good in general because hospitals and courtrooms and autoshops etc. will be less congested with people who could really just figure their problem out themselves. Bad because a lot of these professionals make a living over charging on the small stuff. Also bad because some people are idiots and can even mess up something when they have a manual.
So what do I think?
I can't speak for all teens, but it is nice to be able to google that rash you find on your leg and discover that its poison oak without needing to risk catching a real disease in a waiting room. Its also nice to get legal advice without paying a lawyer $300. Its bad to see hypochondriacs addicted to the computer and learning way too many names of viruses, but hey- that's their problem.
<3 Hello new world.
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