Okay, I am going to be honest. When I first heard of cell phone accents, I kind of thought it was a company that modified your voice when you talked through your cell phone so that you would sound like you have an accent. I am a blonde...
I may or may not have been joking. Anyway, My cell phone aka "cellu" in spanish or "handy" in german is kind of a piece of junk. I asked for a new one for my brithday but have yet to see it. To be honest, I have never had that much interest in cell phones, but that could be because mine is so sucky. I do think the Iphones are pretty awesome, but mostly for the things it has in common with the I touch. I think the Black Berry Storm is suited for my needs so I really hope I get one.
I saw this video on youtube where three phones in a triangle ring and pop popcorn which kind of freaked me out. I don't know if its legit though.
<3 Handy Girl
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