So, of course as I am on my way to through the teen year exit, my skin still retains its acne prone obsession. The good news is that I am at that age where a ton of makeup isn't necessarily out of the norm, but it certainly can be tedious to apply and expensive. I started with the whole "minerals" craze after I used a friends makeup before a dance in high school. To be honest, I have never looked back because liquid foundation always felt like it was suffocating my face. Also, because its a new idea, every minerals company seems to give out free samples and these samples actually last a long time. I say, "milk it!" You can simultaneously find the brand that is right for you and stock up on some free cover-up. I recommend starting with the Colour Correcting Foundation Primer in Green
I break out less using the mineral line than I do with my earlier liquid stuff, but sometimes it does make my face itchy or make me sneeze.
I seem to be allergic to one of the minerals that happens to be in the Bare Minerals collection so that's why I started branching out to begin with. Its always a good idea to check out all your options.
<3 Covered Girl
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