Today's post isn't as jolly as usual because I was just talking to my mom about my uncle's diabetes. Its a tough and expensive condition that way to many people suffer from. Anyway, this is for all of you out there who are glucose challenged: $12 Off Order of $100 or More. Code: ADW12100 American Diabetes Wholesale Along the same line, I want to recommend making carrot muffins with flax and cinnamon. I make them all the time and you don't even need to add more than a table spoon or so of brown sugar. I make the recipe up as I go and I don't think I have gotten the ratio down yet (when I do, I will post it) It requires: flour, ground flax seed, carrots, eggs, cinnamon, salt, slight sugar, walnuts. They are nutritious and delicious! <3 HealthNut
I have to start planning for the summer once more. I got an email back about one of the internships I applied to requesting phone interview, but then sadly they emailed me the day of the scheduled interview to say that they had already filled the position. The worst part is that I still have no job experience so I probably won't even be able to get a job busting tables. Woe is me. Atleast I will have the freedom to travel, I suppose. There is the teensy issue of money always, but what's a couple hundred in the face of my super gigantic college tuition? anway, I have finals to stress me out, the summer is supposed to be for fun and sun.... right? Hope to hear some summer plans!
Best Flight Deals to New York/JFK Definitely going to be in New York for part of the summer although I heard that the summer is a sweltering. Seriously, wish me luck.
Keeping up with fashion isn't always affordble, but if you are like me and you want to have nice things, then you should really check out the following: 1. Ideeli- you have to be invited so use this link: 2. Hautelook- Up to 80% off on Designer Brands at Editors’ Closet Private Sales Events 3. GiltGroup- big designers (a little more of the expensive stuff) 4.
These are for women who think like you do- about Marc Jacobs and Gucci glasses and sample sales. More importantly, the deals usually are amazing. I love my Michael Kors Sequin dress that I ordered as well as my new shoes from Burberry that were over 50% off. So exciting and so thrifty. In a recession, its stylish to save. <3 Frugal Fendi Girl
So, of course as I am on my way to through the teen year exit, my skin still retains its acne prone obsession. The good news is that I am at that age where a ton of makeup isn't necessarily out of the norm, but it certainly can be tedious to apply and expensive. I started with the whole "minerals" craze after I used a friends makeup before a dance in high school. To be honest, I have never looked back because liquid foundation always felt like it was suffocating my face. Also, because its a new idea, every minerals company seems to give out free samples and these samples actually last a long time. I say, "milk it!" You can simultaneously find the brand that is right for you and stock up on some free cover-up. I recommend starting with the Colour Correcting Foundation Primer in Green from pur minerals. This one specifically gets rid of red skin from acne as well as less common conditions such as rosacea. If you don't need that much help, just go for one of the simple lines. I break out less using the mineral line than I do with my earlier liquid stuff, but sometimes it does make my face itchy or make me sneeze. I seem to be allergic to one of the minerals that happens to be in the Bare Minerals collection so that's why I started branching out to begin with. Its always a good idea to check out all your options.
It's officially Spring and my tan lines are very aware of this fact. After a good week of sun, I have the mst awesome tan lines from my flats. Obviously, I need to break out the sandals, but alas... I left all my non winter wardrobe at home. Luckily, this means that a new pair of strappy sandals is totally justified- and there is no shoe better to avoid obvious tan tines than a good pair of Gladiators. Personally, I think the criss-cross pattern it makes on my foot is kinda cool. For some reason sandals are always totally overpriced, but this pair of Libia Gladiator Sandals in Sahara at Shopgoldyn is totally worth it... Can't wait!
No one ever talks about food from New Zealand- or New Zealand for that matter. This website shows you what you are missing and the prices really aren't that bad. Because there aren't really that many foods from New Zealand here, if you are looking for an exotic present, this website could be the perfect place to find one... Delivery is about $8 so try to buy things in bulk to make it worth it.
FOOD SHOP: Check out unique Kiwi Foods, Chocolates & Beverages. Worldwide delivery from New Zealand. Find out more
So, I am a woman of expensive tastes- well usually. I mean I love In-N-Out burger and hand-me-downs, but these are things that are inexpensive, not "cheap". I realized when I went to college, that my love of gourmet things and new leather smell would go unsatisfied for a while. There just isn't enough money to pay tuition and go on shopping sprees. I have recently come across some ways to help my self walk the fine line. These are my faves- hope you enjoy...
1 --- Sign up for their emails and they will send you secret codes nearly every day that let you get $25 gift cards for as little as $2. Make sure you always read the fine print and check the menu prices and reviews. I have used 4 of these recently. One had horrible food! The rest had amazing food for prices that would have been unaffordable. With the coupon, I paid less than I would have in my dining hall. If you are ever in New York, get the coupon for Seven's Turkish food on 72nd street.
2. Groupon- A lot of the things they sell on groupon are overindulgent such as $5o tins of gourmet popcorn. The only way I can afford that is if its 90% off. However, there are some interesting deals as well. This year I bought a haircut, groceries from an organic store and 3 restaurant deals all for 50% off or slightly more. Since they send you a deal every day, its easy to stay informed and wait for a deal that actually speaks to you. Always think, " Is this something I have been looking for, but the money was holding me back?"
3. -- In my opinion this is definitely geared toward people with more money, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a ton of stuff on it that I can enjoy. It is a great way to hear about things going on in the city. I just recently went to an art show on their advice. Sipping free wine amongst intellectuals, portraits and landscapes isn't so bad. Also a good way to find out about sample sales!
4. Inside New York- ---- A review book gone .com, this website gives current reviews on everything from huge museum exhibits to the best and cheapest curry restaurant. The best thing is that all the contributors are starving students themselves so everything that is on there is totally affordable. I just recently went to a restaurant called By the Ounce on their recommendation and had the best fondue of my life!
That's all for now. Sorry for the absence and hope you start living the high life on the low dollar.