Sunday, August 16, 2009

Errrrrrr.... wtf?

I have been doing a lot of doubting recently because every so called report from fashion to news to health sounds completely ridiculous and it has made me question the very worth of all this free information we have via the internet. GASP.

Here are some stories that I hope you will find as shocking and appalling as I have:

This story talks about how men have brought the "belly" in style because Barrack Obama is such an intelligent basketball playing studmuffin that somehow it causes men to let themselves go. WHAT???? Princeton educated and gorgeous Michelle Obama makes me want to go read Shakespeare on the Treadmill so I do not understand how men could come up with the excuse that they don't want to be like their perfect leader. maybe its a "I can never be him so I should quit trying approach" or they think the country is in such good hands and they are showing solidarity for his health care plan. I have no idea, but I do not think that George Bush inspired men to read War and Peace or go for a jog and rather un-fit Cheney certainly did not inspire men to go for strolls in the woods. This article is Yahoo's most inane. it earns 4 WTF's!

Not only is Harvard liscencing every phrase it uses, has used or may like to use, but they have come up with their own mass marketed clothing line. (they should trademark the word "heinous" while they are at it.) I was first appalled hearing they owned "Lessons learned", "Havahd", "H" and "The world’s thinking.’’ because cmon... you can't trademark a letter can you? and trademarking the more pretentious way of saying your school's name- seriously? not to mention the most self-important phrases that exist. I know that Capitalist education is one of the proudest cornerstones of this country, but wow. p/s the clothing line is all shorts and loafers. this gets 3.5 WTF's!

3. The last thing is kind of a more general commentary on a major flaw with our culture. While browsing the news I come across many complaints of the obesity epidemic and many new drugs or quick fix solutions. One I encountered recently was some magic dust that you sprinkle on your food so that you feel fuller and more satisfied. On the same page I saw a link to watch the local funnel cake eating contest. I love funnel cake, but it is a delicacy and not something that should be wolfed down. It should be savored and enjoyed... especially because each one sets you back half a day of calories. Why people think that eating is a sport is beyond me. Eating has evolved to become our most complicated and seemingly most dangerous human task. It's what keeps us alive and it is our natural instinct to think about it, but we claim to have brains that are much higher functioning than apes. so prove it! 4 WTF's

thanks. and speaking of WTF, Gossip Girl's new promos are up and their slogan is "Watch this Fall" so check them out. I watched them on youtube.

<3 Judgmental Cyan

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