I've been very bad in the last few- all right all my life- about getting the news from so called reliable sources. Its not really my fault though because I just like the news so much better when its funny. That's why I watch the Daily Show and the Colbert Report and to be honest I never feel like I am missing anything. I do read the occasional Economist, New York Times and Newsweek, but I can't stand to watch some of the other news stations. Comedy central news shows me all the clips from important news items that seem ridiculous and I've seen so much that it makes me feel like all news stations report on every day is ridiculous. Otherwise, John Stewart's and Steven Colbert's jobs wouldn't be so easy and so...daily.
The recent episode I was watching for instance put the new health care reforms in terms I could understand while showing how the media had dramatized the plan. It is easier for me to understand genuine sarcasm than it is misleading breaking news.
I think the show also approaches ethical questions and deep issues that are more thematic than current, but just as relevant. The daily show doesn't try to impress with dramatic music, grave facial expressions and horrifying footage.
Anyway, before I continue gushing (because that's what I realized I am doing, instead of what I meant to do- analytically defending my generations news choice) I would just like to say that at least I know what's going on every day (or atleast 4 days a week). There are plenty of people who don't watch anything and though they are saved from propaganda, they will remain uninformed.
<3 Elegant Eggshell
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Toms One for One
Toms is interesting in that they donate a pair of shoes to needy children for every pair of shoes you purchase. They have some great casual looks...

They aren't the cheapest find, but I like how these shoes are simple yet individualized. To be honest they kind of look like a cross between vans and keds to me, but they definitely are there own thing.
<3 Lavender Lexicon
<3 Lavender Lexicon
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Window to another World
I had a great time in San Francisco. The friend I was staying with took me to the heart of SF shopping, China town and some interesting museums. Pretty much everywhere we went was free either because she was a member or because the museum was government subsidized. I think its always good to look for what you can do as a tourist without spending money.
We even went to see the Bay Model, which is a pretty interesting thing. The main feature is a warehouse size recreation of the entire bay. You can walk from oakland to Sonoma and check out the size of the pacific ocean. It is kind of bizarre. The whole thing takes less than a half an hour to see, but we stayed about an hour because, to be honest, we were messing around a little and stopped to check out the amazing artwork in the Lobby.
My favorites attraction in Marin was the Sunday morning farmer's market. It is under a building where they filmed part of the old starwars movie-- and you can really tell from the arched butress type things framing the porthole like windows. The farmer's market was HUGE. It had everything from rose water to peaches, to pastries, to pizza, to huge carrots and even a bouncer at the end where children played. I was in awe. I ate a morning bun, which was sticky sweet and flaky with that hint of cinnamon. Then, I was seduced by the snow cones which are all organic or natural and made with ice shaved so thin that it doesn't have that annoying hardness to it. Best flavors in my opinion include mango, peach and cherry. Okay, so I didn't say that breakfast there was the healthiest thing ever, but it could be. I passed three completely vegan and healthy booths where they sold interesting breakfast items and things to take home. I bought some essence of Bay leaf, which not only smells good, but apparently has some interesting medicinal properties.
The family I was staying with stocked up on fresh fruit and vegetables and some hummus dip. I helped them by sampling the various foods to decide on the sweetest peaches. :)
We hiked the mountain trails, walked and shopped-- an enjoyable excercise. That night we steamed the bok chok, tossed the salad with fresh tomatoes and pinenuts and enjoyed our salmon.
<3 Healthier by Association
We even went to see the Bay Model, which is a pretty interesting thing. The main feature is a warehouse size recreation of the entire bay. You can walk from oakland to Sonoma and check out the size of the pacific ocean. It is kind of bizarre. The whole thing takes less than a half an hour to see, but we stayed about an hour because, to be honest, we were messing around a little and stopped to check out the amazing artwork in the Lobby.
My favorites attraction in Marin was the Sunday morning farmer's market. It is under a building where they filmed part of the old starwars movie-- and you can really tell from the arched butress type things framing the porthole like windows. The farmer's market was HUGE. It had everything from rose water to peaches, to pastries, to pizza, to huge carrots and even a bouncer at the end where children played. I was in awe. I ate a morning bun, which was sticky sweet and flaky with that hint of cinnamon. Then, I was seduced by the snow cones which are all organic or natural and made with ice shaved so thin that it doesn't have that annoying hardness to it. Best flavors in my opinion include mango, peach and cherry. Okay, so I didn't say that breakfast there was the healthiest thing ever, but it could be. I passed three completely vegan and healthy booths where they sold interesting breakfast items and things to take home. I bought some essence of Bay leaf, which not only smells good, but apparently has some interesting medicinal properties.
The family I was staying with stocked up on fresh fruit and vegetables and some hummus dip. I helped them by sampling the various foods to decide on the sweetest peaches. :)
We hiked the mountain trails, walked and shopped-- an enjoyable excercise. That night we steamed the bok chok, tossed the salad with fresh tomatoes and pinenuts and enjoyed our salmon.
<3 Healthier by Association
Friday, July 24, 2009
Life Update
I am on steroids and vicodin (still recovering from my unfortunate Poison Oak case) and ready for my train ride to San Fransisco. I am really excited and not just because I love train rides. I am taking Amtrak and hope that it will be a comfortable journey and that I can catch up some reading, enjoy my packed lunch and see the scenery. The biggest excitement of course is San Fransisco, birthplace and favorite city. I am totally going to blog about my adventures and I will also be giving updates on a decision I made kind of spur of the moment and may not have been such a good idea: dying my hair. And the color?
Blond! .... okay so this is a rather risky move. Not only do I have a lackluster dishwater blond hair color right now, but I have dark caterpillar eyebrows and if I have learned anything from certain celebrities with bushy eyebrows, sometimes brunnette is just the way to go.
Maybe if I am feeling generous and not too embarrassed I will even have pics. I am using a L'Oreal Paris Blond 02. we will see...
<3 Penumbra Platinum
Blond! .... okay so this is a rather risky move. Not only do I have a lackluster dishwater blond hair color right now, but I have dark caterpillar eyebrows and if I have learned anything from certain celebrities with bushy eyebrows, sometimes brunnette is just the way to go.
Maybe if I am feeling generous and not too embarrassed I will even have pics. I am using a L'Oreal Paris Blond 02. we will see...
<3 Penumbra Platinum
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
E><3 Evil Leaves
So, the worst of all horibble things finally happened to me... again. I got POISON OAK. I hate this stuff so much and am always careful, but of course the thing I was not thinking of gave it to me. My little beagle loves to run around in the bushes behind our house. And of course she has protective fur that keeps her from coming into contact with the evil stuff. So, the oil from the plant travels on her back and then when I reach down to pick her up and carry her to our car, I wind up with arms and a chest full of itchy scratchy evil red rashes. Its so unfair. So obviously, I have to stock up on Calamine lotion and bandages and God knows what else.
These are pretty cheap:
Poison Ivy Oak 50 Tablets From Hyland's

And these are in bulk, so if you are anything like me....
Poison Ivy/Oak Clip Strip 50 Tabs/6 Pc from Hylands
and be sure to use this coupon:
iHealthTree Life-Time Coupon: $1 OFF

My mom bought me this I can be more aware. I wish she had gotten me a time machine instead.

A Field Guide to Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac: Prevention and Remedies

And this is what I am planning on getting so that I won't have this problem again. Luckily, I have a younger brother whom I can send to exterminate these toxic weeds:
Poison Ivy Killer & Poison Oak Killer
I am seriously in misery and cannot let anyone see me this way. I am planning on spending my recovery time secluded from the world. All right, its not quite so drastic, but I do foresee many hours of teen movies and internet shopping as consolation.
<3 What's white and blonde and red all over?
These are pretty cheap:
Poison Ivy Oak 50 Tablets From Hyland's
And these are in bulk, so if you are anything like me....
Poison Ivy/Oak Clip Strip 50 Tabs/6 Pc from Hylands
and be sure to use this coupon:
iHealthTree Life-Time Coupon: $1 OFF
My mom bought me this I can be more aware. I wish she had gotten me a time machine instead.
A Field Guide to Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac: Prevention and Remedies
And this is what I am planning on getting so that I won't have this problem again. Luckily, I have a younger brother whom I can send to exterminate these toxic weeds:
Poison Ivy Killer & Poison Oak Killer
I am seriously in misery and cannot let anyone see me this way. I am planning on spending my recovery time secluded from the world. All right, its not quite so drastic, but I do foresee many hours of teen movies and internet shopping as consolation.
<3 What's white and blonde and red all over?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saturn SATs
My brother has to take the SAT's next year so I have been trying to help him study. I was a lot more freaked out about the whole thing when I was going through the process than he seems to be. By the time I took the National Merit Qualifying test my Jr year, I had already taken the PSATs two official times and one unofficial time. All those times, my score hovered around a 210. As I got a perfect score on the Math Section, you can imagine how abysmal the verbal sections were for me. I am an avid reader and I love to learn new words, but the format of the test was confusing to me and I often felt rushed and flustered when taking it.
At the beginning of my Jr. year, I borrowed some books from the library that helped me not only to buld my vocabulary, but also to understand how to approach words I didn't know the meaning of. It is far more difficult to learn every word in the English language than it is to learn how to make educated guesses. (if you really want to see the kinds of words, check out this page: http://www.freevocabulary.com/) In the end, the SAT is really just another multiple choice test and it can be learned to some extent. The most important thing I did was to sign up for the SAT question of the day and word of the day at collegeboard.com. This is important because its a small task I could do every day to get me thinking in the way of the SAT and it wasn't an overwhelming commitment by any means.
I went into the PSAT only with this practice and improved my score so much that I actually won a National Merit Scholarship. Even if you don't choose to go to a school that offers a full ride to these scholars, you still win $2500 which at least covers all the collegeboard tests and applications you will ever fill out. I live in California and my score was a 225 and I actually completely messed up the math section. I was unbearably proud that math was my lowest score because that meant that I had been careless in that section, but that all the other studying had paid off.
My next step before taking the SATs was to take practiced timed tests with my friends about once a week. By this time, I was used to the test, but still had problems with the time limits when it came to reading the passages. Practicing in this way made me learn more about my own pace and how long I should spend on a hard question before skipping it. I also became more in tune with the questions themselves. After a while, you just know which concept is being tested in a certain question and therefore, it is easier to find the answer.
When I took the SAT my junior year, it was my first official time taking it. I scored near perfect on the multiple choice. However, my essay score was far below what someone who loves to write and got a 5 on the AP English test should get. I hadn't practiced the essay section because I was over confident that I would do well on it. Without a score on essay writing from the PSAT and no one to score me on the practice tests, I assumed that I would do fine. However, I had not realized that I had a tendency to need more than 25 minutes to develop an essay and was only in my 3rd paragraph when time was called. The SAT essay section does not care about the beauty of your prose. It cares about beginning, conclusion, length, hand-writing, spelling, and examples. You can pull these examples out of your butt if you want, just give them a story. I have heard people quote non-existant figures and cite battles that never happened who got perfect scores. The essay is a fake piece of plaster. If you get a high score and are an honest writer, you are surely not proud of it. However, it is another style you have to learn and had I been severely upset with my score i probably would have timed myself with several lame prompts such as "What does freedom mean to the USA" or "Is lying a sign of cowardice" in which I might have referrenced P. R. Reynolds and his heroic work as a spy during the cold war where he lied for 10 years and was therefore a hero. (made him up, in case you were wondering)
Anyway, if you are really lacking discipline, there are always ways you can be forced to study
Peterson's Online Course for the SAT. To be honest, the SAT is really not such a big deal as it once was because now everyone just studies for it and does really well. What was once an aptitude test is now just an excuse for the collegeboard and various other prep companies to squeeze money out of scared students and their overbearing parents, but that doesn't mean that you want to fight the power and be the only one to walk into the test unprepared. I admit that I did buy the prep book and do the online work, but like I said, my scholarship and college acceptance make it all worth it. Good Luck and please comment on this post if you are having trouble with a problem or studying in general.
<3 Darkling Perriwinkle
At the beginning of my Jr. year, I borrowed some books from the library that helped me not only to buld my vocabulary, but also to understand how to approach words I didn't know the meaning of. It is far more difficult to learn every word in the English language than it is to learn how to make educated guesses. (if you really want to see the kinds of words, check out this page: http://www.freevocabulary.com/) In the end, the SAT is really just another multiple choice test and it can be learned to some extent. The most important thing I did was to sign up for the SAT question of the day and word of the day at collegeboard.com. This is important because its a small task I could do every day to get me thinking in the way of the SAT and it wasn't an overwhelming commitment by any means.
I went into the PSAT only with this practice and improved my score so much that I actually won a National Merit Scholarship. Even if you don't choose to go to a school that offers a full ride to these scholars, you still win $2500 which at least covers all the collegeboard tests and applications you will ever fill out. I live in California and my score was a 225 and I actually completely messed up the math section. I was unbearably proud that math was my lowest score because that meant that I had been careless in that section, but that all the other studying had paid off.
My next step before taking the SATs was to take practiced timed tests with my friends about once a week. By this time, I was used to the test, but still had problems with the time limits when it came to reading the passages. Practicing in this way made me learn more about my own pace and how long I should spend on a hard question before skipping it. I also became more in tune with the questions themselves. After a while, you just know which concept is being tested in a certain question and therefore, it is easier to find the answer.
When I took the SAT my junior year, it was my first official time taking it. I scored near perfect on the multiple choice. However, my essay score was far below what someone who loves to write and got a 5 on the AP English test should get. I hadn't practiced the essay section because I was over confident that I would do well on it. Without a score on essay writing from the PSAT and no one to score me on the practice tests, I assumed that I would do fine. However, I had not realized that I had a tendency to need more than 25 minutes to develop an essay and was only in my 3rd paragraph when time was called. The SAT essay section does not care about the beauty of your prose. It cares about beginning, conclusion, length, hand-writing, spelling, and examples. You can pull these examples out of your butt if you want, just give them a story. I have heard people quote non-existant figures and cite battles that never happened who got perfect scores. The essay is a fake piece of plaster. If you get a high score and are an honest writer, you are surely not proud of it. However, it is another style you have to learn and had I been severely upset with my score i probably would have timed myself with several lame prompts such as "What does freedom mean to the USA" or "Is lying a sign of cowardice" in which I might have referrenced P. R. Reynolds and his heroic work as a spy during the cold war where he lied for 10 years and was therefore a hero. (made him up, in case you were wondering)
Anyway, if you are really lacking discipline, there are always ways you can be forced to study
Peterson's Online Course for the SAT. To be honest, the SAT is really not such a big deal as it once was because now everyone just studies for it and does really well. What was once an aptitude test is now just an excuse for the collegeboard and various other prep companies to squeeze money out of scared students and their overbearing parents, but that doesn't mean that you want to fight the power and be the only one to walk into the test unprepared. I admit that I did buy the prep book and do the online work, but like I said, my scholarship and college acceptance make it all worth it. Good Luck and please comment on this post if you are having trouble with a problem or studying in general.
<3 Darkling Perriwinkle
Monday, July 20, 2009
These are promotions for healthier skin:

SkinCareRx.com Steal of the Day - Every day there is a special on a certain product. Usually, it is a good cleanser at a really low price.

SkinStore.com Daily Special - This daily special is often fancy and it is a great place to get something to pamper yourself that also pampers your wallet. Often, this deal is more than 30% off the original price and it is a hot product.
SAVE 10% and more plus FREE SHIPPING. Weekly Offers for high-quality Skincare Products and Cosmetics at BeautyBridge.com
And these are for those beauty products that cover up and accentuate your skin:
Get a free 7 pc Beauty Bag FREE with every order over $75 at discount.makeup.com! (Assorted bag. While quantities last.)

Shop Clarins Official Store. Free Shipping with any $75 Purchase + Your Choice of Complimentary Samples.

FREE MAKARI Whitening Toothpaste on your next order of $5 or more. Use Coupon Code# THP08. -An African proverb states, “It takes a village to raise a child.” In the village of Harlem, the collective consciousness of African descended people is being raised through the exciting work of MAKARI (pronounced muh-ka-ree), a high-end skin care line especially suited for dark skinned men and women.

Shop this week's very Special Deals at StrawberryNET!
-Anna Sui, Aveda, Borghese, Biotherm, Britney Spears, Bvlgari, Cellex C, Chanel, Christian Dior, Clarins, Clinique, Darphin, Decleor, Elizabeth Arden, Estee Lauder, Givenchy, Glycel, Guerlain, Guinot, Gucci, Kinerase, La Prairie, La Mer, Lancaster, Lancome, Lierac, MAC, Max Factor, Monteil, Nina Ricci, Orlane, Payot, Revlon, Shiseido, Sisley, SK II, Squina, Swissline, Ultima, Valmont, Versace, YSL plus many more.
50% off lips with any $15 or more order Use code FIFTYLIPS (limit 10).
This is a cool coupon to use for lip cosmetics. There is also a coupon for a great deal on eyes: 50% off e.l.f. eyes with a purchase of $15 or more use code FIFTYEYES (limit 10)

Brand Promotions & Deals
CosmeticMall has just about everything and they have great deals
Whether they are with coupons, daily deals or free samples, Cosmetics don't have to be so expensive.
<3 Lustrous Peach
SkinCareRx.com Steal of the Day - Every day there is a special on a certain product. Usually, it is a good cleanser at a really low price.
SkinStore.com Daily Special - This daily special is often fancy and it is a great place to get something to pamper yourself that also pampers your wallet. Often, this deal is more than 30% off the original price and it is a hot product.
SAVE 10% and more plus FREE SHIPPING. Weekly Offers for high-quality Skincare Products and Cosmetics at BeautyBridge.com
And these are for those beauty products that cover up and accentuate your skin:
Get a free 7 pc Beauty Bag FREE with every order over $75 at discount.makeup.com! (Assorted bag. While quantities last.)
Shop Clarins Official Store. Free Shipping with any $75 Purchase + Your Choice of Complimentary Samples.
FREE MAKARI Whitening Toothpaste on your next order of $5 or more. Use Coupon Code# THP08. -An African proverb states, “It takes a village to raise a child.” In the village of Harlem, the collective consciousness of African descended people is being raised through the exciting work of MAKARI (pronounced muh-ka-ree), a high-end skin care line especially suited for dark skinned men and women.
Shop this week's very Special Deals at StrawberryNET!
50% off lips with any $15 or more order Use code FIFTYLIPS (limit 10).
Brand Promotions & Deals
Whether they are with coupons, daily deals or free samples, Cosmetics don't have to be so expensive.
<3 Lustrous Peach
Sunday, July 19, 2009
How's it Hanging?
Getting posters for my room isn't easy. I always think that somehow a poster screams out who you are trying to be the second someone walks into your room. Then again, that's what the entire room is for. I try to maintain a collection and therefore a balance of decoration so that my room is more mild and not a tribute to some artist- genius though he may have been. I have been browsing online because posters are really something that one can easily buy online.
1. This is the place to shop for music posters. There is prettty much every single band and it's reasonably priced. From the smallest indie bands to the best selling stadium acts. Click here
2. If you are looking for legitamate paintings and prints, complete with frame and glass, then you should look here because it is now
50% Off Framed Art!
3. In order to personalize my room, I put up printed pictures and Polaroids. This website lets your get some nice pictures for your room. I bring pictures from my childhood, friends from home and my two dogs. Free Shipping at PhotoWorks.com
4. For Sports, Marvel Comics, Star Trek, Dr. Seuss, NBA, Norman Rockwell, Weekly World News, Bat Boy, and Nickelodean posters. And they have coupon codes:
Save 10% on NBA posters + FREE Shipping on youneek.com - ENTER COUPON CODE: 10NBAOPENING09 Expires 10/31/09
Save 10% on Nickelodeon posters + FREE Shipping on youneek.com - Enter COUPON CODE: 10NICKOPENING09 Expires 10/31/09
5. For everything else there is Allposters.com
I am going to put up one large artistic print, a ton of my own pictures and one picture of Kings of Leon... or maybe Blondie. ;)
<3 Sheer Lilac
1. This is the place to shop for music posters. There is prettty much every single band and it's reasonably priced. From the smallest indie bands to the best selling stadium acts. Click here
2. If you are looking for legitamate paintings and prints, complete with frame and glass, then you should look here because it is now
3. In order to personalize my room, I put up printed pictures and Polaroids. This website lets your get some nice pictures for your room. I bring pictures from my childhood, friends from home and my two dogs. Free Shipping at PhotoWorks.com
4. For Sports, Marvel Comics, Star Trek, Dr. Seuss, NBA, Norman Rockwell, Weekly World News, Bat Boy, and Nickelodean posters. And they have coupon codes:
Save 10% on NBA posters + FREE Shipping on youneek.com - ENTER COUPON CODE: 10NBAOPENING09 Expires 10/31/09
Save 10% on Nickelodeon posters + FREE Shipping on youneek.com - Enter COUPON CODE: 10NICKOPENING09 Expires 10/31/09
5. For everything else there is Allposters.com
I am going to put up one large artistic print, a ton of my own pictures and one picture of Kings of Leon... or maybe Blondie. ;)
<3 Sheer Lilac
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Cashmere, not mere Cash
When I was little, I heard the word cashmere and thought it was some unnatainable fabric that only the rich and powerful could have. Actually, cashmere is not so hard to come by, but it is as wonderful as I thought it would be. I got my first cashmere sweater a couple years ago. I bought it with my own money and it was a beautiful green color. It was so soft that I braved my own clumsy nature to wear it everywhere. Of course, it is very annoying to clean because you can't just dump it in the laundry. Still, I got it for $30-marked down from $180. It was even better to me because I got such an amazing deal on it. Of course, it isn't the same quality that all those rich guys wear, but I am sure I love it more. I am on the hunt for a new one, not because I plan on getting rid of this one, but because I want another one in a different color. I have been watching the sales and finally one is here. Check it out:
""50% Discount on Cashmere Coats, Robes, Sweaters & Scarves.""
This website isn't the fanciest, but it does have cashmere half off. I personally really like to wear a really small men's cardigan sometimes because they are usually longer and keep me warmer.
They aren't as form fitting, but having just one is useful.
<3 src="http://www.ftjcfx.com/image-3561302-10471851" border="0" height="1" width="1">
""50% Discount on Cashmere Coats, Robes, Sweaters & Scarves.""
This website isn't the fanciest, but it does have cashmere half off. I personally really like to wear a really small men's cardigan sometimes because they are usually longer and keep me warmer.
They aren't as form fitting, but having just one is useful.
<3 src="http://www.ftjcfx.com/image-3561302-10471851" border="0" height="1" width="1">
Unemployed :(
My job search this summer was way more difficult than I had anticipated. My initial strategy had been to just walk into some shops along main street and give them my resume, but the managers just told me they had already filled the jobs and that was only if I even got to speak with the manager. Usually, I just got some random worker who was probably just feeling territorial and told me they had no offerings and even if they did, I was certainly not qualified for it. The job market has certainly changed, but that also means that you can take advantage of the new age and try to make it easier on your self. Browsing Craigslist for example take a lot less gas than driving from reataurant to restaurant. Here are some of the more reliable places to sign up to look for a job:
1.Post Your Resume for FREE at HotResumes.com- It can't hurt to post your resume on as many sites as you can because only the recruiters have to pay to use the site. This is a good place to find a pretty decent job.

2.Bored with your Job? Click here to find a new Job today. - this website is mostly for people looking seriously at the jobs they could have.

3.Click here to e-mail your resume and cover letter to 1000's of Top Employers and Recruiters!- Definitely for someone with a bit of experience and not for a summer job. If a boss is getting your resume emailed, then there better be something on it.

4.Over 200 Fashion Jobs Posted Daily - Find a Fashion Industry Job at Fashion Jobs Central- I think this website is rather interesting because there aren't that many places to find jobs that are going to match your interests and dreams. I have a friend who actually got a great job doing designs for a company that she found here. Straight out of high school- And she said her artistic talent wouldn't be a pay...

5.Top High Paying Jobs. Use our services and find your dream job fast. Register now!
- This website is for the real go-getter. You aren't going to find any frycook positions here.
6.70,000 Recruiters Looking for candidates like you! -Climber.com is the premier destination for people looking to find the company and career that best fits their personality at work. Their free assessments of both job seekers and companies will evaluate your career values, and behavioral patterns at work, so that companies can learn about you even if you are not actively looking for a job.

Also, if you are having a bit of trouble with the whole resume thing, then you might want to try resume professionals who will help you write and then E-Mail your Resume and Cover Letter to 1000's of Headhunters, Click Here or Get Started Now with e-resume.net

<3 Doughty Lavender
1.Post Your Resume for FREE at HotResumes.com- It can't hurt to post your resume on as many sites as you can because only the recruiters have to pay to use the site. This is a good place to find a pretty decent job.
2.Bored with your Job? Click here to find a new Job today. - this website is mostly for people looking seriously at the jobs they could have.
3.Click here to e-mail your resume and cover letter to 1000's of Top Employers and Recruiters!- Definitely for someone with a bit of experience and not for a summer job. If a boss is getting your resume emailed, then there better be something on it.
4.Over 200 Fashion Jobs Posted Daily - Find a Fashion Industry Job at Fashion Jobs Central- I think this website is rather interesting because there aren't that many places to find jobs that are going to match your interests and dreams. I have a friend who actually got a great job doing designs for a company that she found here. Straight out of high school- And she said her artistic talent wouldn't be a pay...
5.Top High Paying Jobs. Use our services and find your dream job fast. Register now!
6.70,000 Recruiters Looking for candidates like you! -Climber.com is the premier destination for people looking to find the company and career that best fits their personality at work. Their free assessments of both job seekers and companies will evaluate your career values, and behavioral patterns at work, so that companies can learn about you even if you are not actively looking for a job.
Also, if you are having a bit of trouble with the whole resume thing, then you might want to try resume professionals who will help you write and then E-Mail your Resume and Cover Letter to 1000's of Headhunters, Click Here or Get Started Now with e-resume.net
<3 Doughty Lavender
You've got mail
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Take control of your inbox.

I know that some people will always be gmail-loyal, but I am forever a Yahoo!
Although, I hate it when webpages are updated and almost always prefer the old version (ie Facebook!) Yahoo's new designs are invariably more efficient. I have several email accounts. Some I use to sign up for things that I don't actually want and some to just mess with people. Your email address is actually valuable-- some people actually pay to have it so that they can spam you. Anyway, my point is that I have one email address in my name at Yahoo and I love this one and only give it out to friends and then I have 3 others which I give out 1. to spammers 2. to possible employers 3. to get interesting newsletters
<3 Delicious Pink
I know that some people will always be gmail-loyal, but I am forever a Yahoo!
Although, I hate it when webpages are updated and almost always prefer the old version (ie Facebook!) Yahoo's new designs are invariably more efficient. I have several email accounts. Some I use to sign up for things that I don't actually want and some to just mess with people. Your email address is actually valuable-- some people actually pay to have it so that they can spam you. Anyway, my point is that I have one email address in my name at Yahoo and I love this one and only give it out to friends and then I have 3 others which I give out 1. to spammers 2. to possible employers 3. to get interesting newsletters
<3 Delicious Pink
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Spotted at Black Shop Boutique
Shop Black Label Boutique for the latest in Celebrity Fashion with Free Worldwide Shipping

Black Label Boutique is apparently a place celebrities get a lot of thier clothes because the likes of Paris, Christina, Lindsay, Megan Fox etc are featured on their website. Of course, I had no idea- I just knew they were having a sale and decided to check it out. I found some things I like. They are definitely the place for SoCal fashion and not that useful to me as I am heading to the East Coast, but I can always do with another cardigan.
<3 Bereft Lilac
Black Label Boutique is apparently a place celebrities get a lot of thier clothes because the likes of Paris, Christina, Lindsay, Megan Fox etc are featured on their website. Of course, I had no idea- I just knew they were having a sale and decided to check it out. I found some things I like. They are definitely the place for SoCal fashion and not that useful to me as I am heading to the East Coast, but I can always do with another cardigan.
<3 Bereft Lilac
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
When bored and Online
I just discovered something that is going to make my boredom so much easier!
Okay, so this website seems kind of weird at first because all it really is is a randomizer.
You click on the "stumble" button and it takes you to a new website and you can either press "i like" or give it a thumbs down. So, you can quickly and efficiently find new things. I admit, some of the are BIZARRE. for instance one link led me directly to someone's hotmail inbox and seriously? who wants to let the rest of the world into their private mailboxes? some of the other strange things included:
1. a website that shows you how to fold a shirt in this bizarre japanese way and how to do different knots on a tie.
2. an travel website that lets you zoom in on the capitals.
3. a travel website that instructs poor teens like myself how we might backpack tour europe on $25 a day.
4. despair.com which has some of the funniest apparel ever. Including things for the sarcastic, pessimistic, anarchist, cynical etc. Their collection of shot glasses is great. (p/s you don't go to this website necessarily to buy, just look to be entertained!)
5. a rather useful hitchhikers guide online
You might have noticed that a lot of my finds include travel. That's because it was one of my "tags" you can tag subjects that you are interested in. I might suggest not tagging too soon though because you can find things that you are interested in that you might not have thought of.
<3 Serendipity Blue
Okay, so this website seems kind of weird at first because all it really is is a randomizer.
You click on the "stumble" button and it takes you to a new website and you can either press "i like" or give it a thumbs down. So, you can quickly and efficiently find new things. I admit, some of the are BIZARRE. for instance one link led me directly to someone's hotmail inbox and seriously? who wants to let the rest of the world into their private mailboxes? some of the other strange things included:
1. a website that shows you how to fold a shirt in this bizarre japanese way and how to do different knots on a tie.
2. an travel website that lets you zoom in on the capitals.
3. a travel website that instructs poor teens like myself how we might backpack tour europe on $25 a day.
4. despair.com which has some of the funniest apparel ever. Including things for the sarcastic, pessimistic, anarchist, cynical etc. Their collection of shot glasses is great. (p/s you don't go to this website necessarily to buy, just look to be entertained!)
5. a rather useful hitchhikers guide online
You might have noticed that a lot of my finds include travel. That's because it was one of my "tags" you can tag subjects that you are interested in. I might suggest not tagging too soon though because you can find things that you are interested in that you might not have thought of.
<3 Serendipity Blue
Monday, July 13, 2009
How to REALLY use gift cards
I have often gotten gift cards for my birthday, christmas, or some other gift exchange. The problem is that many people who get you a gift card so it because they do not know what else to get you. So, it is quite likely that you might not get a gift card you like. I, for instance, had a hefty sum on my Abercrombie gift card after I had long stopped shopping there. This website is an interesting and useful way to utilize your gift card. You can swap your useless card for a useful one, pay less for a card with a lot of money on it, or just sell yours. It is a good idea, for example, to buy a $100 gift card for $60 because then you either save 40% on any purchase or you look extra generous when you give this gift card away. Its a good idea to save. I like Anthropology so I went online and bought a $200 gift card for $150. I used the entire thing easily because I shop there all the time. There are many other stores as well. This is actually one of the smartest ideas I have had in a while because you can still profit from the sale of the store you are shopping at. DOUBLE DISCOUNT!!! Hamrick's, Ann Taylor, Urban Outfitters, J. Crew White House Black Market and Godiva have huge discounts as well.
Buy, sell and trade gift cards at PlasticJungle.com. Pay as low as $60 for a $100 gift card.

<3 Gallant Gold
Buy, sell and trade gift cards at PlasticJungle.com. Pay as low as $60 for a $100 gift card.
<3 Gallant Gold
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Awesome Austen
I have recently gone on a bit of a Jane Austen binge and am now in awe of the fact that a group of books in which marriage and a woman's dependency on men for her happiness can bring so much happiness to this single lady. After all, it seems that if one does not have a man, one should simply be the sad novel reader pining and dreaming. However, even though the stories are entirely fiction and only the worst characters possibly came from Austen's own experience, somehow, they do give hope. Austen's characters are none of them perfect. They exist on a spectrum from naive to prejudiced(which I admit are qualities that may both occur in one person). I am here to analyze the female heroins and there male counterparts in a list from best to worst protagonist.
1. Elizabeth Bennet& Fitzwilliam Darcy- I love her because there is no other character with as sharp a wit and as hillarious a tendency to mock the lesser characters. She is by far the most amusing. Darcy's brooding nature and his loyalty to those he loves coupled of course by the fact that he is basically the prince in shining armour, makes him the dreamiest of Austen men. His arrogance and prejudice might be unnatractive if it didn't make him so perfect for Elizabeth because their sparring is arguably the most romantic love story.
2. Charlotte Moreland and Henry Tillney- Although in my opinion Northanger Abbey is the least known and perhaps the most different of the Austen books, it is nice to see a man bestow such an obvious affection without being married or devious on one of the Austen Heroins. Charlotte is also very interesting and imaginative, although we can safely say that she is one of the more childlike characters. She is very innocent and kind. Henry is as dashing and charismatic as most of the villainous scoundrels of the Austen series, but he has a big heart. win-win!
3. Emma & Knightley- I have always loved Emma because her well-intentioned matchmaking leads to such a disaster. She is stubborn and childish at times, but she really does love her family and friends. She is as intelligent as Elizabeth, but has the advantage of wealth to make her a little louder in giving her opinions. Also, she is unable to control her emotions at times- especially jealousy. She is perhaps the richest heroine of the Austen series and that allows her to have the most follies. Knightley is practically perfect as we all know and the only wedges between them are in Emma's imagination.
4. Anne and Capt. Wentworth- This story makes me the saddest because Anne is definitely portrayed as the weakest character as she is the only one not able to go after her heart. Then again, she is the only one who falls in love with a poor man, so perhaps we will never know who is the strongest. Although this story is somewhat heartbreaking, it also offers us hope that true love can stand the test of time. Anne, though in none of the movies, is written to be a handsome girl and also is the most tender and quiet. She has a secret desire to travel and her adventuerous nature perhaps has lessened over the eight years she has mourned for Captain Wentworth. In the end, she is able to escape her horrible family for the man she has always loved. Wentworth is strong and honorable and certainly one of the most attractive men precisely because he lacks that wretched "gentility".
5. Elinor and Edward- Sense and Sensibility always somehow reminds me of Pride and Prejudice more than the rest, even though none of the characters are the same. The only thing I can think of is the strong affection for the two central sisters even though they are very opposite in matters of the heart. Elinor is a very strong woman, which is good since Edward seems to be somewhat of a weaker, though very devoted man. Watching him almost mary Lucy was very frustrating because one thinks that if it hadn't been for her chasing bigger fish, they might have married in the end. Meanwhile, we know that it was necessary for him to be engaged to her first for the family to accept Elinor.
6. Fanny and Edmund- Somehow neither of these characters gets the best praise among readers. Fanny appears to be too moralizing and Edmund seems very weak and foolish indeed. He is also the only man destined to end up with a Heroine who is genuinelly tempted by another woman. The other Austen men are usually in the midst of ladies throwing themselves at them and yet can only think of one woman. He comes around in the end, but only after Fanny reveals the foul nature of his betrothed by letting her expose her desire for his sick brother's money. Somehow, I still love this romance because childhood true love is also a beautiful story.
7. Marianne and Colonel Brandon- We really never see much of this couple, but when I saw the movie adaptation with Alan Rickman, I couldn't help but fall in love with him. Marianne is very young and very juvenile, but I love how she can't contain herself because she is the only protagonist who always speaks the truth and her feelings. This makes her frustrating, but amusing. Colonel Brandon's devotion wins out in the end and don't we all wish that there was a man in the background, perfect, but overlooked at first.
Ahhh, I love Austen and her stories, can't help it. They are more prefectly gift wrapped than a christmas present, but even a cynical pessimist can't help but believe and love.
<3 Proud Perriwinkle
1. Elizabeth Bennet& Fitzwilliam Darcy- I love her because there is no other character with as sharp a wit and as hillarious a tendency to mock the lesser characters. She is by far the most amusing. Darcy's brooding nature and his loyalty to those he loves coupled of course by the fact that he is basically the prince in shining armour, makes him the dreamiest of Austen men. His arrogance and prejudice might be unnatractive if it didn't make him so perfect for Elizabeth because their sparring is arguably the most romantic love story.
2. Charlotte Moreland and Henry Tillney- Although in my opinion Northanger Abbey is the least known and perhaps the most different of the Austen books, it is nice to see a man bestow such an obvious affection without being married or devious on one of the Austen Heroins. Charlotte is also very interesting and imaginative, although we can safely say that she is one of the more childlike characters. She is very innocent and kind. Henry is as dashing and charismatic as most of the villainous scoundrels of the Austen series, but he has a big heart. win-win!
3. Emma & Knightley- I have always loved Emma because her well-intentioned matchmaking leads to such a disaster. She is stubborn and childish at times, but she really does love her family and friends. She is as intelligent as Elizabeth, but has the advantage of wealth to make her a little louder in giving her opinions. Also, she is unable to control her emotions at times- especially jealousy. She is perhaps the richest heroine of the Austen series and that allows her to have the most follies. Knightley is practically perfect as we all know and the only wedges between them are in Emma's imagination.
4. Anne and Capt. Wentworth- This story makes me the saddest because Anne is definitely portrayed as the weakest character as she is the only one not able to go after her heart. Then again, she is the only one who falls in love with a poor man, so perhaps we will never know who is the strongest. Although this story is somewhat heartbreaking, it also offers us hope that true love can stand the test of time. Anne, though in none of the movies, is written to be a handsome girl and also is the most tender and quiet. She has a secret desire to travel and her adventuerous nature perhaps has lessened over the eight years she has mourned for Captain Wentworth. In the end, she is able to escape her horrible family for the man she has always loved. Wentworth is strong and honorable and certainly one of the most attractive men precisely because he lacks that wretched "gentility".
5. Elinor and Edward- Sense and Sensibility always somehow reminds me of Pride and Prejudice more than the rest, even though none of the characters are the same. The only thing I can think of is the strong affection for the two central sisters even though they are very opposite in matters of the heart. Elinor is a very strong woman, which is good since Edward seems to be somewhat of a weaker, though very devoted man. Watching him almost mary Lucy was very frustrating because one thinks that if it hadn't been for her chasing bigger fish, they might have married in the end. Meanwhile, we know that it was necessary for him to be engaged to her first for the family to accept Elinor.
6. Fanny and Edmund- Somehow neither of these characters gets the best praise among readers. Fanny appears to be too moralizing and Edmund seems very weak and foolish indeed. He is also the only man destined to end up with a Heroine who is genuinelly tempted by another woman. The other Austen men are usually in the midst of ladies throwing themselves at them and yet can only think of one woman. He comes around in the end, but only after Fanny reveals the foul nature of his betrothed by letting her expose her desire for his sick brother's money. Somehow, I still love this romance because childhood true love is also a beautiful story.
7. Marianne and Colonel Brandon- We really never see much of this couple, but when I saw the movie adaptation with Alan Rickman, I couldn't help but fall in love with him. Marianne is very young and very juvenile, but I love how she can't contain herself because she is the only protagonist who always speaks the truth and her feelings. This makes her frustrating, but amusing. Colonel Brandon's devotion wins out in the end and don't we all wish that there was a man in the background, perfect, but overlooked at first.
Ahhh, I love Austen and her stories, can't help it. They are more prefectly gift wrapped than a christmas present, but even a cynical pessimist can't help but believe and love.
<3 Proud Perriwinkle
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Further Reductions-Up to 50% off summer styles for women and men at Nordstrom.com
Have always and will always love Nordstrom. Very classy and mature.
Have always and will always love Nordstrom. Very classy and mature.
You have to be pretty tan to pull off purple
<3 Persnickety Peach

Free Shipping with $50 order and an additional 20% off clearance items at Hanes.com Expires 7.26.09
If you need things like bras, t-shirts and comfy polos, Hanes is the traditional way to go. I love them because they are soft and high in quality for their relatively low price. Plus, I probably have years of brand-name recognition info stashed in my head because Hanes is one of those old American companies. I have to admit that even though I like the things above and they are all under 1/3 of their original price, the clearance sale doesn't include too much. However, their other things have deals and are relatively inexpensive as well. I would look into their bras and shirts.
<3 Hanes ON
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