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So its my brother's birthday and I am thinking of what video game to get him. Obviously, I want to get him one that he likes, but I don't want to get him one that he will use to shoot police officers and pimps for hours on end. So, I have been looking on line for the best video games which made me remember my favorite video games as a kid:
1. Harvest Moon (every version ever is amazing, but especially the first PS1 game)
2. DDR (So much fun! I remember when my mom and my friend's mom convinced themselves they could lose weight just by doing DDR- the only problem is that if you aren't good you usually don't move around that much)
3. Pokemon for Gameboys-- Red version+ Blue Version (enough said)
4. Mario Party For Nintendo (I was always Luigi and loved it)
5. Crash Bandicoot- SO MUCH FUN!
6. Super Smash brothers (Kirby!!!!)
7. The Sims (Should really be at like #1, but I just decided computer games count)
8. Dr. Quandrary- Played in the school computer lab-- SCARY
9. Zelda- Fun but I never got past one place
So what's Number 10? That's what I am buying him-- Guitar Hero, because I am too old for it, but I can see how it's the big thing.