The Ultimate Procrastination tools:
1. Facebook- I love browsing pics and update from my friends and seeing what old acquaintances are up to. I make it my personal goal to not become a Facebook stalker though- I hope you will too.
2. Online TV- will all be the end of me. Not to mention the fact that I recently discovered that I like the online Korean dramas on and they have english subtitles. I'm sorry, but its the best relief from hw to curl up with Gossip Girl, The Office, Lost and The Colbert Report. Watching it with friends also doesn't make me feel as guilty. Shock it up to senior year bonding
PopCap Games for Free -- Popcap's other name is Once you start you can spend hours on this website. The worst part is: I like to play these games while watching TV on my camputer and doiing my homework... is that still procrastination?
4. Googling people- really fun for when you are really bored, but don't tell people you do it.
5. Snacking- Bad habit! I buy gum by the pack fulls to avoid unneccessary calories just because my mouth is bored.
6. Typing up lists like this, usually they are of things I am going to do- I am counting this as homework time though since I am using the english language.
<3 Helping Procrastination Girl