Halloween-- For all people who aren't kids or don't have kids, this is a time to dress up as slutty as possible or as creatively as possible and preferably both. For those who have money to spend and no creative thoughts- no fear! you can buy a costume. The ones on clearance are between 20 and $30 which isn't so bad and if you and your friends buy them together you can save on shipping. I do not have money to do this right now so I will be stuck trying to be creative, but probably do something lame and then spend the rest of the night blending into the wall so that no one asks me "what I'm supposed to be" . hopefully that doesn't happen- that would be a lame party. anyway, there are some creative things I have seen over the past years that mostly involve nudity in some way. Let me give you the tops:
1. Party at Isla Vista, CA- Girl who was a Saran wrap Mummy- that's right, she was only wearing clear plastic.
2. Guy who was naked inside a box that had suspenders holding it on him. It was pretty awkward to see him dance.
3. Woman who came as a bunch of grapes- In a suit that was attached to huge purple balloons. She really popped (on several occassions)
Also for the beginning of Fall-
Fall Sale at BareNecessities.com. Save on Bras, Panties, Men's Underwear and more! Sale ends 10.06.09.
<3 Vampire or Cat or Witch Girl (like every year)